Project-based work: The pro's and con's?
Do you often work with colleagues on large projects? Then you know how important robust project planning is. It’s very easy to lose track, especially if your company is new to project-based work. We’d like to tell you more about project-based work and how to keep on top of it.
The pros and cons of project-based work
The pros of project-based work are endless. You get to work together with other people towards a single goal, which means that you often jointly develop creative, new possibilities and ideas. You also achieve faster results by working together. Good project planning is essential if you want things to run smoothly and get rapid results.
But you can quickly lose the feeling of knowing what’s going on and being in control. This is an established drawback of project-based work, especially if you try to work without the right tools. When different people work with different documents, everything can get very muddled. Moreover, managing a project can take a lot of time. For example, should you decide to manage a project with a spreadsheet program, someone will have to input all the project information. Not only does this take time, but errors can easily creep in, with all their inevitable knock-on effects.
Work with a tool that supports project-based working
Fortunately, there is a better way! By working with a specialised project-management tool, it’s easy to keep track of everything in a single place. TimeChimp is such a tool. It lets employees collaborate on various projects and provides a good overview. Our customer portal, where you can let your customer see the progress of certain projects, provides added value.
TimeChimp supports projects
Is your work project-based? Then you’ll see that TimeChimp saves you a lot of work. TimeChimp is best known for time tracking, which is the foundation of good project administration. It lets all the employees on a project easily track their hours. It allows travel and expenses to be logged too.
Furthermore, it has a handy, clear dashboard. This gives the project manager a clear overview of all the important parameters, like hours and the costs. It is important to have this overview to report to the customer. You can use Power BI to organise the data in dashboards that you set up yourself. You can also import data from other systems to create an overall picture.
It’s also easy to set a budget in TimeChimp, so that you know for sure that you are on track. You can invoice easily from the tool too, charging all the hours worked for the customer. Even if you work with a different accounting program, it’s still easy to use your TimeChimp data for invoicing. Our tool provides multiple connections to Yuki, AFAs, Moneybird and more.
Would you like to find out for yourself how easy project-based work can be? Try TimeChimp for 14 days free-of-charge.
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