Approving hours

Approving hours worked on a project provides an overview and peace of mind. You know exactly who has worked what number of hours and you approve this prior to invoicing. This makes your communication with customers a lot more easy and straightforward.

Een illustratie die laat zien dat uren die geschreven worden kunnen worden goedgekeurd door de manager
A visual showing people shaking hands and on top of that the approval module of timechimp

Employees present their hours

Everyone who works on a project has to track their hours. This ensures that you really know what the status of the project is and how many hours have already been spent upon it. Once employees have input their hours, they can present these easily and you get a notification. Do you agree with the hours? Then you approve them with a click. Has something not gone quite right? Then the employee can make changes.

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Let the customer approve hours

Would you rather that your customer, instead of you, approved the hours? No problem with TimeChimp! Once the hours are registered, the customer has the option to view and approve the hours in the customer portal. You can, of course, choose to approve hours internally first, before the customer approves them. By involving the customer in the hours worked, all the parties know exactly where they stand and you avoid misunderstandings.

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A visual of the timechimp approval module
A visual of a list of hours tracked that can be approved in one click

Easy invoicing

TimeChimp makes it easy and quick to invoice the customer with approved hours. As well as easily registering hours, journeys and expenses and having all this approved, you can also invoice easily with the tool. Has the invoice not been paid on time? Then send a payment reminder just as easily. This way, you have your records from A to Z for the whole project in one place and project management becomes that bit easier. It’s really handy!

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Other features

A collection of elements from the timechimp approval process
A visual that shows that hours are easy to add to an invoice
A visual of the timechimp time registration module

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