Makkelijk uren bijhouden voor elk project

Een visual van de timechimp urenregistratie interface

Jouw werkdag is complex genoeg, je tijdregistratie hoeft dat niet te zijn. Bij TimeChimp maken we urenregistratie makkelijk.

Een visual van de timechimp urenregistratie interface

Track your time, get insights

With our time registration system, you can easily control your hours and project costs, so you always have a clear view of your progress.

Time registration

Keep track of hours without hassle

Forget manual hour entries. Easily and quickly track your worked hours in one central location. Record hours daily or weekly to save time, simplify time tracking for your team, and maintain a clear overview of your work hours.

Read more about time registration
A visual showing time being tracked using timechimp
Registreer als medewerker
Voer uren in voor jouw team.
Dag- en weekweergave
Kies je weergave eenvoudig.
Synchroniseer met je agenda
Houd je uren up-to-date.
Facturatie en urenregistratie
Ga snel van uur naar factuur.
Two mobile phones showing the timechimp mobile app

Time registration app

Register anytime, anywhere

Our easy to use time tracking app lets you track your hours, expenses, and trips from anywhere. You can quickly log your time, see your hours, and check your overtime and leave, whether you're traveling to a customer, working from home, or in the office.

Learn more about the time registration app

Project management

Manage your projects without stress

Monitor project progress in real time, track hours and expenses and get clear reports. Our staff time tracking system works as a handy time tracking tool that gives you full control over your time and budget for good project management.

Read more about project management
A visual depicting the timechimp customer portal

WBSO subsidie

Uren bijhouden voor de WBSO subsidie

Werkt jouw bedrijf aan technische vernieuwing of innovatie? Dan kom je in aanmerking voor de WBSO subsidie. Registreer jouw WBSO-uren met één klik en voldoe aan de wettelijke eisen.

Let op: dien uiterlijk 31 maart je aanvraag in.

Meer informatie over WBSO

What customers say about TimeChimp

“We can export the mileage per month at the touch of a button. Combined with our tool, invoicing has become a piece of cake. TimeChimp saves us a lot of time in the invoicing process.”

Jeroen Huinink
Director Nijmegen
Read the case study ->

Top tier time tracking

Read successful
customer stories

Read all customer stories ->

Your time is valuable, track it smartly.

E-book: digital time registration

Read e-book ->

Time Tracking: The ultimate Guide for Consultants

Read blog ->
A photo of a man taken through the window explaining something

The Critical Role of Time Management for IT Project Budgets

Read blog ->
A photo of a man sitting at his computer with a laptop on his desk

You have questions. We have answers.

Check out our most frequently asked questions here. If you need further assistance, we're here to help.
Why is time tracking important?

Automatische tijdregistratie vermindert de kans op fouten en bespaart tijd door uren automatisch vast te leggen. Dit verhoogt de nauwkeurigheid van je gegevens en vermindert de administratieve last in vergelijking met handmatige registratie.

Time tracking is crucial for an effective organization because it helps to make the time and costs spent transparent. This contributes to better project planning, accurate invoicing, and a clear overview of productivity and project progress.

How secure is my data in a time tracking system?

Bij TimeChimp nemen we de beveiliging van je gegevens zeer serieus. We gebruiken geavanceerde beveiligingsmaatregelen om ervoor te zorgen dat jouw gegevens altijd beschermd en privé blijven.Op deze pagina vind je meer informatie over de beveiliging van TimeChimp. Wil je weten waarom de beveiliging van jouw gegevens belangrijk is? In deze blog leer je meer over het belang van databeveiliging in urenregistratie.

At TimeChimp, we take data security seriously. We use advanced security measures to ensure that your data remains protected and private at all times.

For more information on TimeChimp's security, visit this page. Want to know why data security is important? Learn more about the importance of data protection in time tracking in our blog

Why is time tracking important?

Time registration is important for an effective organization, because it helps to provide insight into the time and costs spent. This contributes to better project planning, accurate invoicing and a clear overview of productivity and project progress.

Take control of your time registration

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