Customer portal
Do you want to provide your customer with an overview of the hours worked on a project as well as letting them approve hours before they’re invoiced? Not a problem with TimeChimp. No more hassle with Excel overviews, but a direct insight for both you and the customer.

Unique link for the customer portal
The customer portal is a different environment to the one where you work. Each customer receives their own, unique link to log in with. Therefore no one to whom you haven’t granted access can log into the customer portal.
Easy to communicate hours
You and your team log the hours you work for your customer and then the administrator simply sends these time records through to the customer via TimeChimp. The customer can also receive an email notification, with a link to the customer portal. Easy does it!

View and approve hours
As soon as your customer logs in, they see an overview page with all the projects to which you have granted them access. Your company details and logo are also shown clearly here. When your customer selects a project, they can see the hours that have been worked on it. They are also given an option to approve or reject the hours and to send the project manager messages via TimeChimp. You determine what the customer gets to see, for example, an overview with all projects and invoices. Once the hours have been approved, the project manager gets an email telling them that the hours can be invoiced.
Advantages of the client portal
- You and your customer always have oversight
- You determine what the customer gets to see
- Prevent misunderstandings
- Make adjustments as needed

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