Bespaar tijd met makkelijke urenregistratie
Registreer uren snel en eenvoudig. Krijg direct inzicht in je tijdsbesteding per taak of project en keur uren met één klik goed. Bespaar tijd op uren bijhouden en focus op wat écht belangrijk is.

Don't miss hours with accurate recording.

Approve hours
As a manager or team lead, you approve the hours worked by employees before they are processed. This way, you always have an overview of the hours worked and you can make adjustments where necessary.
Synchronizing the calendar
Synchronize your Google or Outlook calendar with TimeChimp and instantly turn appointments into time records. This way, you don't have to switch between tools and you save time.

Do you want to save time on time registration?

Get an immediate overview of your staff's worked hours. Find out where time is lost and optimize planning with real-time reports.
Time registration
Time registration is a challenge for staff - make it simple. No complex forms or cumbersome processes. With our time tracking tool, your staff can keep track of their hours quickly and easily - without hassle.

Why companies choose TimeChimp


You have questions. We have answers.
Time registration is important for an effective organization, because it helps to provide insight into the time and costs spent. This contributes to better project planning, accurate invoicing and a clear overview of productivity and project progress.
When choosing a time registration tool, functionality, user-friendliness, flexibility and mobile access are important. Also, check the availability and quality of customer service. This way, you can make an informed choice that suits your company!
Yes, in the Netherlands, employers are legally obliged to keep track of their employees' hours, as set out in the Working Hours Act (Atw). This law is there to ensure that employees do not work too much or too long and get enough rest. So it's the employer's responsibility to make sure they have a clear record of when their employees are at work and when they're resting. The choice of the registration system lies with the employer, as long as it meets certain criteria.
Yes, in the Netherlands, employers are legally obliged to keep track of their employees' hours, as set out in the Working Hours Act (Atw). This law is there to ensure that employees do not work too much or too long and get enough rest. So it's the employer's responsibility to make sure they have a clear record of when their employees are at work and when they're resting.
The choice of the registration system lies with the employer, as long as it is up to certain criteria complies.