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Two mobile phones showing the timechimp mobile app

Our users about time tracking with TimeChimp

99% recommends TimeChimp
Roderick Koster
Manager Finance & Control
Solid Professionals

In particular, TimeChimp has provided us with a lot of insights; such as developments in the declarability of our employees, absenteeism, hourly rates and turnover per customer. The connection with Power BI is also very valuable for us here.

BAM Infra

TimeChimp provides up-to-date insight into the booked hours. All our users are positive. And because we work a lot with Excel, the ability to export the data from TimeChimp to Excel was also a real prerequisite for us to choose TimeChimp.

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Marcia Moestoredjo

TimeChimp biedt helder inzicht in de customer journey, waardoor we de omzet per klant en per opdracht nauwkeurig kunnen meten, en zo de rendabiliteit van projecten beter kunnen beoordelen.

Christiaan Bouwmeester

TimeChimp heeft niet alleen bijgedragen aan kostenbesparingen, maar heeft ons tevens voorzien van waardevolle inzichten die ons ondersteunen bij het nemen van strategische beslissingen.