Calendar sync
Sync your Google or Outlook calendar with TimeChimp and effortless convert appointments into tracked time.
- Sync Google calendar
- Sync Outlook calendar
- Appointments & meetings directly visible in TimeChimp
- Easily convert appointments into tracked time
- Link with calendar set up in a few steps

Work smarter with TimeChimp
Everything at TimeChimp is about ease. Why make things any harder than they have to be or make y0urself extra work? That definitely holds true for tracking time.
Our time tracking is very simple and hardly takes any time. But in order to make sure that you don’t have to do things twice and therefore have to spend even less time on tracking your time, you can sync your Google or Outlook calendar with TimeChimp. This means that all your appointments, meetings and other business are visible in TimeChimp and can be converted effortlessly into tracked time.
Sync with your Google or Outlook calendar
The connection between your calendar and TimeChimp means that you no longer need to switch between different programs to track your time. That saves you a lot of extra work and time! And it only takes a few seconds to set up the connection, which is great.
You can try TimeChimp and its synchronisation with your Google or Outlook calendar 14 days for free. No obligation and without payment details. Make your workday that bit easier and start saving time today!

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