Project administration

You always want to keep an overview of the projects you are working on. Good project administration is essential. Still, you don’t want it to take up too much time, so you can spend as much time as possible on actually executing the project. How do you make sure your project administration is always in order and doesn’t take up too much time? TimeChimp, of course!

A visual of the timechimp project management graph, showing time being tracked on a budget
A photo of a team working at a large table, with a visual that shows that it is easy to schedule the right people

Make project administration easy

Project administration quickly ends up taking up a lot of time. Good project administration software provides a solution and gives you a good overview automatically, wherever you happen to be. Track hours worked in next to no time, check progress, register expenses and invoice the customer directly, all within TimeChimp. You know exactly who has carried out which tasks and the total number of hours spent on the project. This way you improve your project administration and get to know exactly what still needs to happen.

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What is project administration?

Project administration is the management of various projects, through which you gain insight into the hours works and expenses incurred on a project. Good project administration ensures that you have a good oversight of open and completed tasks and a strong plan. This means you never have surprises.

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A visual depicting the timechimp customer portal
A visual depicting the user interface from timechimp and how users can add mileages to a project

Connect to other tools

Projects have different facets, for example setting budgets and invoicing. TimeChimp has links with many other tools, making your project administration even easier. For example, link TimeChimp to your accounting program, such as AFAS or Twinfield. This way you create useful flows and prevent errors and duplicating work.

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More insight, less work

Insight into hours worked and progress are very useful when it comes to project administration. Thanks to a clear dashboard you can see the status of the project at a glance and whether you are staying within budget. Adjust the dashboard to your needs, so that you see the information that is important to you. Do you want additional management information from other tools too? Then use our connection to Power BI to create clear, visual reports. TimeChimp makes time tracking and project administration easier, so that you can focus on what really matters.

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A visual with various elements of the customer portal
User interface die laat zien hoe verschillende mensen samen kunnen werken aan een project

Various roles in project administration

There are various roles within TimeChimp’s project administration tool. Every role has its own associated rights, which makes it easy to collaborate, while individuals only see the information they need for their roles. The various roles are:

  • Administrator
  • Project manager
  • User
  • Custom (you decide which rights to assign)

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