A photo of Marcia Moestoredjo, Sky10's CEO and founder

Sky10's transformation: From Excel headache to operational success

Marcia Moestoredjo
Marcia Moestoredjo
Sky 10
Marcia Moestoredjo
Sky 10
In deze case study

What has Sky10 achieved with TimeChimp?

Curious about what Sky10 has achieved with the use of TimeChimp? We have listed it briefly for you.

  • Simple time registration.
    TimeChimp eliminates the need for manual time tracking, resulting in fewer errors and accurate billing for projects at Sky10.
  • Real-time insights.
    Timechimp's reporting capabilities provided Sky10 with real-time insight into project progress and time distribution. This allowed them to make decisions and adjust project strategies more quickly.
  • Easily integrate with existing tools.
    By integrating with other tools used, Sky10 was able to develop its own workflow, allowing them to work more efficiently and adapt better to the specific needs of their projects.
  • Project accountability to customers.
    Thanks to precise time registration, Sky10 was able to show customers where their hours went in crystal clear terms. For example, project accountability to customers was greatly improved.

The problem

Time registration plays a crucial role in managing a company, especially in an agency environment. This is because by understanding how many hours you have spent on a specific project or customer, you can deduce what that customer ultimately generates in turnover. At marketing agency Sky10, accurate time registration was a challenge. As a result, the agency also lacked insight into productivity, causing problems with managing hours and tasks. Marcia: “Because we used Excel, it was difficult to get a grip on what hours and trips were actually made and to account for hours to customers.”

“Because we used Excel, it was difficult to get a grip on what hours and trips were actually made and to account for hours to customers.”

Marcia about working with Excel: “We used to work with separate Excel sheets. Sometimes hours were not registered, so we had no insight into our effectiveness. Excels were also lying around everywhere in the organization, giving us different versions. It was therefore difficult to get a grip on which hours and trips were actually made. It was also difficult to account for hours to customers, so that the customer also knows how they are doing and how the hours were spent.”

Een foto van Marcia Moestoredjo, de directeur en oprichter van Sky10 aan de telefoon

The solution

Excel did not offer Sky10 enough overview and options, so work processes could not be optimized. She was looking for a central system that could keep track of not only hours, but also trips and projects in order to gain more insight into productivity. Marcia about her choice for TimeChimp: “The reason we chose TimeChimp is mainly because of its simplicity, accessibility and user-friendliness”.

“The reason we chose TimeChimp is mainly because of its simplicity, accessibility and user-friendliness”.

Marcia also indicated that she used the integration options with tools such as HubSpot and Exact Online. With the integrations, registering hours not only became much easier, but also provided them with insight into trajectories and projects. Marcia: “In the future, we also want to connect with other integrations, so that we can measure customers from start to finish”.

The result

Through more accurate time recording, more effective team deployment, and valuable insights, Sky10 has improved their operational efficiency. Marcia: “TimeChimp ensures that we have good insight into the customer journey and thus also the turnover per customer or the turnover per order per customer. We can now measure much better what a particular project delivers: from prospect to ultimately to the actual customer.”

“TimeChimp offers clear insight into the customer journey, allowing us to accurately measure the turnover per customer and per order, and thus better assess the profitability of projects.”

Marcia also said that she had saved time with TimeChimp. Marcia: “Registering time with TimeChimp saves us a lot of time. Instead of sending out all kinds of separate “excellences” in the organization, we see that we can now register everything in one environment.” But does it make it more fun to register hours? Marcia: “In principle, time registration is a task you are not eager to do. TimeChimp does make work easier because the application is very simple and user-friendly.”

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Sky10 is een dynamisch marketingbureau onder leiding van directeur en oprichter Marcia Moestoredjo. Het bureau richt zich op het leveren van hoogwaardige marketingdiensten voor de IT & tech industrie.
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