Diana of Passionate People in the office of Passionate People
Case studies /
Passionate People

Passionate People spends 50% less time on invoicing

Passionate People
Passionate People
In deze case study

What has TimeChimp delivered for Passionate People?

  • Time saved. Developers at Passionate People now log their hours in just five minutes per month. This leaves more time for projects and personal development.
  • Personalized support. TimeChimp provides Passionate People with personalized assistance through a Customer Success Manager. This has resulted in faster issue resolution and optimised way of working through regular and direct contact.
  • Smoother invoicing process. Passionate People has significantly improved their invoicing process, resulting in much higher efficiency. By linking hours directly to invoices, they have managed cut the time spent on invoicing by 50%.

The problem

Diana about Passionate People: “We are a project-based company with a small operational team alongside the management team. The majority of our employees (55, ed.) are developers working for various clients. As a tech company, we strive to be leaders in this industry. We believe in delivering the complete package. It's not only about providing development services to our clients, but also about creating a community around it. We have meetups, lunch-and-learn sessions and organize conferences. One of our conferences, called Dev World, was a huge and exciting event, labeled as ‘Disneyland for developers.’ This is our way of giving back to the developer community by creating exciting learning experiences.” In such a dynamic work environment, accurate time tracking is crucial.

Our old time tracking system did not provide a clear overview of the payment status of invoices. We had to create many spreadsheets ourselves to keep track of payments and match them with work hours. This was very error-prone.

Diana about their time tracking system before TimeChimp: ”Before we discovered TimeChimp we used a different tool. It did the job, because we were able to invoice our clients. However, it didn’t have integrated time registration and there was a lack of overview of whether the invoice was paid or not. It didn’t give us the clear picture of what we wanted and needed with Passionate People. In order to use this tool properly we needed to make a lot of sheets to to able to track if the invoices where paid. We also had to match the working hours with the invoices. It was easy to make mistakes. We really needed something more professional. Especially with Passionate People growing. We started looking for a complete software solution, rather than just sheets and relying on our own work.

The solution

Passionate People was looking for a time tracking tool that offered both integrated time tracking and simple invoicing capabilities. It was important that the system would assist their employees with time management, allowing them to focus on other tasks. Diana about the way of working within Passionate People: “One important aspect for us is ensuring our developers have time for their projects and personal development. We didn't want them to waste time on time tracking and using multiple tools. When searching for different software solutions to address our needs, we were recommended TimeChimp.”

"If an invoice hasn't been paid, we can send reminders with TimeChimp, which makes our financial management much more professional."

At Passionate People, the team uses TimeChimp's project module to manage their tasks efficiently. Developers track their hours for specific projects. Managers then use these tracked hours to generate invoices, which are sent to clients. This process ensures an organized workflow and precise billing, providing clarity for both the team and the clients. Diana on TimeChimp: "If an invoice isn't paid, you can also send a reminder. This makes our financial processes very professional. One of the most important aspects of using TimeChimp is how much time it saves us on administrative tasks. It's one of our goals that we're always trying to improve upon.

The result

One of the key benefits of TimeChimp is the significant amount of time savings on administrative tasks for Passionate People, aligning with their goal to streamline processes. Diana on the results of TimeChimp: “With TimeChimp, our developers spend only five minutes per month registering their hours, freeing up more time for projects, conferences and workshops. In addition to this our invoicing system became much more efficient and we were able to cut time in half for our invoicing as well.”

"Our developers spend only 5 minutes per month registering their hours using TimeChimp".

Finally, Diana wants to address one more point: “One of the benefits that we get with TimeChimp is having a dedicated person who helps with our questions if we encounter issues. We have someone who always responds to our questions and truly supports us.”

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